Employee security system variables

Variable name Valid values Description

Positive numeric values

Y - Yes

N - No

Caution: You must set the system variable LoginSecurityType to 2 to use this system variable.

This three-position variable determines how many times an employee can attempt to log in to AIMsi (and fail) before the employee is temporarily locked out of AIMsi and unable to log in. Each position is separated by the pipe (|) character.

  • The first position indicates the maximum number of failed attempts an employee can make logging in to AIMsi before he or she is prevented from logging in.
  • The second position indicates if the employee's account should be locked (Y) once he or she has reached the maximum number of failed attempts allowed (position 1).
  • The third position indicates the number of minutes that must pass before the employee is allowed to attempt logging in after he or she has reached the maximum number of failed attempts (position 1) if position 2 is set to Y.

For example, if this variable is set to the default value of 3|Y|30, an employee will be locked out of AIMsi for 30 minutes if he or she enters incorrect login information 3 times.

Module(s) used in:

Employee Security

Item(s) affected:

Employee login attempts.

LoginSecurityType 1 - Require only a password at login

2 - Require a user name and password at login

Determines if employees must enter a password only (1) for a default user name or enter a unique user name and password (2) when they log in to AIMsi.

Note: This system variable must be set to 2 to use the LoginSecurityLockOut system variable and the password information on the Details tab of the Employee Details window.

Module(s) used in:

Employee Security

Item(s) affected:

Employee login requirements, the LoginSecurityLockOut system variable, and the password fields on the Employee Details window - Details tab.